I was given an early Christmas gift on Saturday. Miah had a remote start put on my car. He was a little worried that it might not be "personal" enough, but I think it is very thoughtful and personal. He knows I DON'T like to be cold and, welll, it is cold and windy in Wyoming and since he can't be here to start my car in the mornings or after work, this was the next best thing. What a Sweet guy!!
Merry Christmas to ME.
sounds like a cool gift to me! what a sweet guy! He's a keeper. :)
This sounds like a great gift! How are you liking it?
Oh, how I wanted one of those in Minnesota. I know Wyoming gets about the same temperature (bone chilling cold), so it was a need for sure, and a perfect, personal gift! Merry Christmas!!
Personal indeed!!
That's awesome. All cars should come standard with that, don't you think? Let us know when you visit this way, we'd like to see you!
Hey you, just stopping by to say hello and let you know that I thought about you today. Sounds like you are doing very well in your new home :) Love you and hope you have a great holiday.
how thoughtful of your man. merry christmas to you.
I would love to have one! What a nice guy.
I need your address. Can you send it to me at the welchgirlz?
Love you and I will call over break!
Merry Christmas A! I miss you oh so much!
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