Monday, July 9, 2007

Alabaugh Fire

On Saturday night a fire caused by a dry lightning started right outside of Hot Springs. Hot Springs is in Fall River County which is the DRIEST county in South Dakota. I was able to get out on Hwy 71 before it was shut down and get some pictures. In all my years of fighting fire, this is one of the worst I've seen because of all the dry fuels and type of country it's in. This is also a very personal fire for me. My good friends lost everything...and I have a handful of other friends who have been evacuated and only have their houses left but no outbuildings or ranch left.
Everyone is in good spirits considering all that has happened.
God is good!!


CityGirl said...

Wow! What a sad thing. But, we are glad everyone is safe!

CityGirl said...

ps. What cute kids to the right! They crack me up! :)

Angela said...

I'm sure that was a bit overwhelming to watch without wanting to go suit up and help!! Most things can be replaced, people can't. God is GREAT!! I'm glad everyone there was safe!

lovinthefam said...

I am so thankful the fire is all but out. I feel so sorry for all the people that lost their homes. There are SO many sad stories and stories of courage.

lovinthefam said...

PS Nice new look. It would be nice to have a big front porch and a row of rocking chairs - of course I may have something like that at the nursing home you put me in someday... Make sure you pick a good one:)